Discover a prime opportunity to establish your business in this fully fitted, ground-floor office space located on the bustling Fonthill Road, Finsbury Park. Perfectly situated in Zone 2, this office benefits from excellent transport links, being just a short walk from Finsbury Park Station. The station offers convenient access to the Victoria, Piccadilly, and National Rail services, making commuting easy for both staff and clients.
Fonthill Road is a historic street, renowned for its rich history as a vibrant shopping district, particularly known for its fashion boutiques. This area has evolved into a dynamic commercial hub, attracting a variety of businesses due to its proximity to central London and the ever-growing Finsbury Park neighborhood.
The office itself is designed with both functionality and comfort in mind. It includes:
This office space not only provides a strategic location but also ensures that every detail is covered to help your business thrive. Don’t miss this opportunity to place your business in a prime London location with a history of success and a future full of potential.
Fees apply.
Under the Property Misdescription Act 1991 we endeavour to make our sales details accurate and reliable but they should not be relied upon as statements or representations of fact and they do not constitute any part of an offer of contract. The seller does not make any representations to give any warranty in relation to the property and we have no authority to do so on behalf of the seller. Services, fittings and equipment referred to in the sales details have not been tested (unless otherwise stated) and no warranty can be given as to their condition. We strongly recommend that all the information which we provide about the property is verified by yourself or your advisers. Under the Estate Agency Act 1991 you will be required to give us financial information in order to verify you financial position before we can recommend any offer to the vendor.
Finsbury Park, , N4