Empty unit available to let, on a busy Parade, located near to Feltham Cinema, Asda, and other major commercial businesses.
Wilton Parade in Feltham is in the London region of England. The postcode is within the Feltham West ward/electoral division, which is in the constituency of Feltham and Heston.
The property forms part of The Centre, Feltham with tenants including Asda, Next, Argos, Sports Direct and JD Sports.
The unit occupies a prominent position on the main parade within the centre, adjacent to Nandos, Costa Coffee and JD Wetherspoons. Other nearby retailers include Superdrug, Subway, Three, Starbucks and Iceland.
The asking rent in this area is £2000 inclusive of VAT.
For any enquiries contact the commercial team on:
07765268552 or call 0208 004 1111
Fees apply.
Under the Property Misdescription Act 1991 we endeavour to make our sales details accurate and reliable but they should not be relied upon as statements or representations of fact and they do not constitute any part of an offer of contract. The seller does not make any representations to give any warranty in relation to the property and we have no authority to do so on behalf of the seller. Services, fittings and equipment referred to in the sales details have not been tested (unless otherwise stated) and no warranty can be given as to their condition. We strongly recommend that all the information which we provide about the property is verified by yourself or your advisers. Under the Estate Agency Act 1991 you will be required to give us financial information in order to verify you financial position before we can recommend any offer to the vendor.
Wilton Parade, Greater London, TW134BU